Thursday 23 June 2011

how i have progressed trhough media studies

This is a picture that i have drawn in media studies to represent my past year in media studies>. i was asked to draw an island showing what i now feel my past year has gone. in my picture i drew a sunny island with a few clouds to represent the bad times. i drew a ladder leading up to the palm tree where i will earn my reward in the meantime there are obstacles aka the people with guns in their hands. i am halfway through the course aka the ladder and i am fighting the bad times

Thursday 16 June 2011

ROLES & RESPONSIBILITY preliminary task

In our team of four we created and agreed on a story board which was based on our brief "the meeting". First we brainstormed different ideas of what we could actually do, we wanted to make the scenes believble so that it was easier to edit, put together and create a script to it. we were given a camera and 20mins to find a location to shoot this. we had to include technical aspects in this scene. we had a camera man and three actresses who helped the camera man as well as having the story board we made earlier. We recorded shots several times and then watched them so that we knew that we could move on to the next scene. In the classroom we chose as a team the shots that we preferred and put them together using Imovie.

we watched these scenes as a whole class and had taken note of audience feedback. Suprisingly our first time video was quite good our critisicms were

1: to have more dialogue included
2: to have an establishing shot

We could have included non diegetic sound.

Our praises included:

1: very good range of shots
2: smooth running of the shots
3: very good idea and acting to put the story across

"THE MEETING" the preliminary task

In order to understand and experience how to use the video camera we was set a preliminary task to compile  a short video clip based around the theme of a meeting. we were able to choose what happened in our scenes and what props location and actors we would use. in a group of four we had to choose carefully in what order we wanted to shoot our shots so we were able to put them together so it flowed nicely and seamlessly. as a team we decided on what shots we would take and the different roles each person would have in the group. in this short task we had to include techniques lie close up shots, mid shots, shot reverse shots etc We had to use the knowledge that we had already learnt from AS Media studies and apply this to our short clip to the best of our ability.


Hi I'm Laressa Smith I am now 17 years old. This year I  am being introducd to A2 media studies this is the beginning of my blog entries Where i will give you an idea of whats to come. The whole of this A2 course will be based on video production and we will mainly focus on creating a final trailer video based on a marketing campaign fir a horror film.