Friday 24 September 2010


:) Hello, my name is Laressa Sade Smith. I am a 16 year old AS student at La Swap studying AS media. I enjoy most types of music apart from heavy metal and classical music. With music im quite versatile. In media studies i have been given the task to create four pages of a music magazine, this will include the front cover, the contents page and a double page spread. Although i enjoy many types of music I will be focusing mostly on urban hip hop/RnB/rap music. Her is a new album that i enjoy listening to and recommend to you.

Usher- Raymond v Raymond

My brief is to:
Research and plan for my music magazine.. i will do this by completing my prelimanary task of creating an arts magazine for young pupils of secondary school acland burghley
-my research should include what I have found out about my target market/audience
-suitable price for my magazine
-where i would distribute this publication
-what is suitable in a magazine for my target market

Writing an article and taking my own pitures
-suitable images for my magazine
-suitable article to my target market (lexical choice)
-what the article is about. Does this appeal to my target market?
-the psychographics and demographics of my target market

Then i can get to creating my main music magazine magazine

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