Thursday 9 December 2010

preparing my photo shoot

 For my Photo shoot i had to prepare a number of different things beforehand to have successful Photo shoot. This included planning out my location: where i would take my photos and how this would reflect in my magazine, finding a model who was willing to take proffessional photos for me, prepearing the time, and any health and safety precautions that i should consider. I had a flat plans of the photographs i would like to include in my magazine i usedthis as a template. Firstly, I looked at possible models that i thought would depict the young urban genre in the uk/london well. i found this task quite easy as i had alot of willing responses. From there, I then looked at  locations I could use. looking at my flat plans I looked at ideas of both natural/street locations to places where it looked natural for an urban kid to be. From there.  For the outdoor images, I considered the time of day for Winter. I also experimented with shot types, angles, framing and lighting. I didn't stick to my flatplan as there were difficulties in getting props that ineeded for example large speakers that my model could pose on. Once i took these photos i imported them onto my computer and opened them in photoshop so i could manipulate or change whatever i needed to change.

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